Sisig Bangus-Milk fish

The milkfish is an unofficial national symbol of the Philippines, where it is called by the Tagalog name bangus.


1/2 cup finely chopped onions

1/4 cup vinegar

1/2 tsp. soy sauce

1/2 tsp. chili powder

Pinch of sugar

1 1/2 tbsps. oyster sauce

1 1/2 cups deboned and diced bangus (Milk Fish)

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 tsp. pepper

1 1/2 tsps. oil

1 tsp. finely chopped garlic

Cooking and preparation:

Combine onions, vinegar in a pan, simmer until the vinegar is reduced and onions are cooked. Set it aside.

In a small bowl, combine soy sauce, chili powder, sugar and oyster sauce.

Marinate bangus in mixture for a few hours. Just before cooking, season with salt and pepper.

In a pan, heat oil and saute garlic. Add the onions with vinegar and the marinated fish. Simmer until liquid is reduced.

Remove from heat and serve on a sizzling platter.

Bulalo Cebuano Style

After the busy days of the week, it pays to indulged in a hearty meal like this bulalo (beef bone marrow soup).A special cut of beef bone marrow is boiled until very tender. Add onions, ginger, salt and pepper. Put saba kind of banana and gabi then boiled in 15-20 minutes. Lastly add sliced cabbage and stir in to combine all the ingredients. Serve hot with leek garnishing.Very tasty meal to prepare either lunch of dinner

2 kilos of Beef bulalo (Bone marrow)

1/2 kilo of grated gabi

1/2 kilo of chinese pechay

25 grams of green onions

10 grams of garlic

20 pieces of pepper corns

1/4 kilo of shredded labong

1/2 kilo of corn on the cob but by 1 1/2 inches

8 cups of water


MSG (Vetsin)

Cooking procedure:

1. Boil bulalo (bone marrow) once, remove scum.

2. Boil again and add all the above ingredients except the chinese pechay.

3. After 3 minutes, lower fire to simmer. When bulalo is soft, add Chinese Pechay and a dash of msg.

Can serve up to 8 persons.

Crab Cooked in Coconut Milk

Ginataan, is a Filipino term which refers to food cooked with gata - the Filipino word for coconut milk. Literally translated, ginataan means "done with coconut milk". Due to the general nature of the term, it can refer to a number of different dishes, each called ginataan, but this time our recipe is Ginataang Alimasag or Crab cooked in Coconut milk.

Ingredients and cooking procedure after the jump.
* 6 medium size of Crab
* Squash
* Squash Flower / Bulaklak ng Kalabasa
* Yardlong Beans/Sitaw
* Spinach
* Coconut milk, 1 whole coconut
* Garlic
* Onions
* Chillis
* Fish Sauce

Cooking Procedure:
* Saute' garlic and onions, add fish sauce and coconut milk
* Let it boil then add the crabs
* Once the crab turned orange color, add the squash,  squash flowers and the spinach
* Let it cook for few minutes and turn off the fire and add the chillis.
* Please make sure that the vegetables are half cooked, overcooked veggies don't taste well.

This recipe is very easy to do and serves 6 people.  Eat it with steamed rice.

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